A unique airline
Specialist in transport and mountain flying, Alpine Airlines trains its pilots in the excellence of mountain flying to ensure the highest level of safety.
First accredited professional flying school for the training of mountain pilots. Our pilots are trained in our own ATO (Approved Training Center). A solid European standard (EASA) with efficient and standardised teaching.
All the aircrafts used for commercial transport are twin-engine aircrafts, adapted to short mountain slopes, guaranteeing performance and safety.
The entire school and transport fleet is registered under the French flag, allowing the highest level of control by the authorities.

4 commitments, pillars of our expertise

A professional and committed team

Jean-Baptiste (JB) Pennazio
Head Of Flight Operations
Head of crew training
Head Of Training Alpine Airline’s ATO
Flight Safety Manager
Passionate about mountain aviation, he obtained his pilot’s license at the age of 17, was a professional pilot and flight instructor at the age of 22 and a mountain flying instructor at the age of 24.
Today’s Flight Examiner (FE and CRE): Mountain, Pilatus PC-6 and Multi-engine as well as IFR Instructor (IRI).
He has more than 12,000 flight hours and more than 15,000 mountain landings.
He founded the Aerosavoie company In 2011 with Christophe Chapuis for pilot training specialized in mountain flying and skydivers dropping in Chambéry.
In 2012, the training center became the first European certified mountain flying school (Approved Training organization – ATO).
In 2014, after introducing new profiles in our company, the Alpine Airlines project was launched. Bringing together passenger transport and mountain aviation was the goal, now achieved thanks to months of work and a team strong in energy and passion.
For Jean-Baptiste Pennazio, Alpine Airlines above all is a human adventure.
“The responsibility of an Air Operations Manager requires a flawless knowledge of the Alpine environment, the aircraft used and the regulatory constraints.”
“The safety and comfort of our passengers are priorities for the pilots of the Alpine Airlines company. Each pilot is at least a flight instructor and qualified for mountain flying according to the criteria of the European Civil Aviation Safety Agency.”

Christophe Chapuis
General manager
Compliance manager
Mountain Instructor Wheel and Ski, Night Flight and Flight Examiner.
Instructor for more than 20 years of the 4-seat aircraft on the Boeing 777, from private pilot initial training to professional and advanced pilot training.
In 2011, he created the company Aérosavoie (which would become Alpine Airlines) alongside Jean-Baptiste Pennazio, which saw the development of the first professional mountain training and parachutist dropping school before its consecration with the birth of the only airline in the French Alps, Alpine Airlines.
Christophe Chapuis is also a captain in an A330 in a large European aeronautical group.
In a regulatory environment that has never been more complex for air carriers, the whole team was able, through its professionalism, skills and determination, to create the only mountain aircraft company in the French Alps.
“Resurrect commercial mountain aviation was a very ambitious project, at the height of our magnificent peaks.”
Alpine Airlines meets the latest standards of the aeronautical industry in terms of flight safety, training and operations. We will be happy to welcome you on board our aircraft for unforgettable flights through our mountains.

Satya Remond
Managing Director
Research & Development Engineer
Airworthiness manager
Ground Operations Manager
Responsible for theoretical knowledge ATO Alpine Airlines
Passionate about everything flying, Satya has a 10 years experience in aeronautical design and innovation. He is the co-designer of a unique seaplane based on a hydrofoil technology which he signed the patent at the young age of 22.
“Flying over geographical constraints is one of the aviation magics, especially in a mountaineous environement where land accesses can be complex. Bringing Alpine Airlines the technical keys to make mountain air transportation evolve is a challenge that I am excited to take.”
“His technical skills and human qualities make Satya an essential part of our success, both on the ground and in flight.”
Jean-Baptiste Pennazio | CEO